by Pep Sesat | 23 Jun, 2020 | Executive Menu
ENTRANTS Amanida de Pernil d’Ànec i Pinya amb Vinagreta de Cítrics Ensalada de Jamón de Pato y Piña con Vinagreta de Cítricos Tagliatelle amb Salmó i Espàrrecs Tagliatelle con Salmón y Espárragos Niu de Patata amb Ou Ferrat Nido de Patata con Huevo Frito ...
by Pep Sesat | 8 Jun, 2016 | Uncategorized
Here is once again the White Night! The night in its 6th edition has become one of the most anticipated festivals of Sant Cugat. Lunch dinner, live music, entertainment, dancing and, above all, great fun! What are you waiting for, book your ticket now!...
by Pep Sesat | 7 Apr, 2016 | Novetats
A continuació podeu fer un cop d’ull al menú que us hem preparat per a Sant Jordi. Podeu gaudir-ne divendres 22 i dissabte 23 a les nits!
by Pep Sesat | 18 Jan, 2016 | Uncategorized
by Pep Sesat | 27 Jun, 2015 | Uncategorized
As has become traditional, Masia Can Ametller welcomes the summer with a big party: the night in white. We enjoy a great Lunch Dinner, pluck night with the music of No Hit and close the festival with the music and dance show by Fran Abellán. Photo...