Can Ametller organizes the first Forum Collserola

Can Ametller organizes the first Forum Collserola

Masia Can Ametller was the host of the first Forum Collserola, an event organized in collaboration with the Grup Català de Treball, which will be held periodically in the establishment of Sant Cugat. The first personality was invited Sixte Cambra, president of the...
Sant Valentí 2017 (en)

Sant Valentí 2017 (en)

Arriba Sant Valentí i la Masia Can Ametller us proposa la millor manera de gaudir d’una bona vetllada i contribuir així a celebrar aquesta data tan especial. A continuació podeu descarregar el nostre menú. Menú Sant Valentí Si teniu algun dubte o alguna consulta,...
Help with our “Solidary Dessert”!

Help with our “Solidary Dessert”!

Blauplat Grup d’Hostaleria have launched a joint initiative to collaborate with the Association Ajudem-nos. We invite you to participate! This is our “Solidary Dessert”: every time a customer requests this dessert on our menu, will contribute 50...